Phone Number



Opening Hours

Mon - Sun: 11:00AM - 8:00PM

Privacy, Security, Refund and Cookie Policy


Spring Beauty Spas is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. As a necessary aspect of our service, we may collect personally identifiable information when you use our website, but we will collect it only to the extent necessary to fulfill our service, we will protect it from being compromised, and we will delete it when it’s no longer needed. 

Our server will typically record your IP address, cookie information, and the pages you visited on our website. If you enter into a transaction with us, further information may be gathered, but you will be informed of that before the fact and we will employ special security measures to ensure your information is maintained safely and securely.

At any time, you are entitled to know what personally identifiable information we hold on you, with whom we may have shared it and why, to request any necessary corrections, or to request that we delete it. 

  1. Information that is gathered from visitors
  • In common with other websites, log files are stored on the web server, saving details such as the date and time visitors land on our pages, browser signatures, operating system, and device type, as well as IP address.
  • Where login or registration is required, the visitor’s email and a username will be stored on the server. 
  • Certain social media platforms use beacons, such as “pixels” to capture data on page visitors. When clicking on a Like or Share button, certain personal data connected with your account on that particular social media platform may be shared with that platform, the processing of which is out of our control. If you do not wish your personal data to be shared with a social media platform, do not click on Like or Share buttons on our website.
  1. How the Information is used
  • The information is used to enhance the visitor’s experience when using the website to display personalized content and possibly advertising.
  • E-mail addresses will not be sold, rented, leased, or otherwise shared with 3rd parties, except with our partners who are directly involved in fulfilling our service to you, or with law enforcement agencies in the execution of a lawful court order. It will only be used by Spring Beauty Spas or our third-party business partners to fulfill our direct business obligations with our customers.
  • If you opt-in to receive notifications, e-mail may be sent to you to inform you of news of our services or offers by us.
  1. How information is protected
  • We will take all precautions to ensure that any personal information we gather is adequately protected against theft or harvesting by others, by employing appropriate security protocols, including anonymization, where needed. In the unlikely event of a security breach, we will notify the owners of such information, as well as the appropriate authorities.
  1. Visitor Options
  • If you have subscribed to one of our services, you may unsubscribe by following the instructions which are included in any e-mail that you receive from us.
  • You may be able to block cookies via your browser settings, but this may prevent you from access to certain features of the website.
  • If you desire to view or correct any of your personal information that we may have gathered, or if you would like to have us delete your personal information, you can contact us at to make your request and we will respond promptly.
  1. Cookies
  • Cookies are small digital signature files that are stored by your web browser that allow your preferences to be recorded when visiting the website. They may also be used to track your return visits to the website.
  • We may use cookies to remember visitor preferences when they are interacting with the website.
  • Where applicable, 3rd party advertising companies may also use cookies for tracking purposes (we do not currently employ any 3rd party advertising on our website).
  1. Refund Policy

All orders are subject to the terms stated on our invoice, and prepayments are typically non-refundable, except in extenuating circumstances. However, if at any time, you feel that we didn’t deliver the service represented to you, contact us at and we can revisit the situation. It is always our goal to ensure that all our customers are fully satisfied. 

If a refund is given, it will be provided in the same form in which payment was made. 

  1. Sales Tax

Out of state orders WILL NOT be charged sales tax. Orders delivered to customers in New Jersey will be charged the current applicable sales tax.

Effective date: Monday, April 12th, 2021